Prince Albert Police Service had a busy weekend, responding to 306 calls for service between Friday evening and Monday morning. Officers made 44 arrests. The top calls for service were disturbance related calls and intoxicated person calls.
File # 2018 - 15619: Assault With Weapon
On May 24, 2018, at 9:34 p.m. the Prince Albert Police Service responded to a weapons complaint at the 800 Block of 12 Street West. Two males were fighting outside and one of the males pulled out a knife and threatened the other male who fled inside the residence.
The 40 year old male from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan has been charged with assault with a weapon, possession of a weapon for a purpose dangerous to the public peace and a breach of his probation order to not consume alcohol.
The suspect will answer to charges in Prince Albert Provincial Court today (Information #991052828).
File # 2018 - 15669: Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle
On May 25, 2018 at 6:53 a.m. Prince Albert Police Service was dispatched to the 100 Block of 21 Street West for a Reported Impaired Driver (RID) complaint involving a black truck parked in the middle of the street with the driver passed out behind the wheel and the engine running.
When police arrived they located the driver still behind the wheel and evidence of alcohol consumption in the vehicle. The male driver was arrested by officers. He was brought back to the police station where he failed subsequent breathalyzer tests.
The 21-year-old from Prince Albert, Saskatchewan is charged with impaired care and control of a motor vehicle and exceeding .08.
The driver has since been released and will make an appearance in Prince Albert Provincial Court June 25, 2018.
File # 2018 - 15984: Willful Damage / Breach
On May 27, 2018 at 9:14 a.m. Prince Albert Police Service was dispatched to 100 Block 31 Street East on a call that a male was smashing the windows on a parked vehicle. The male was on scene when officers arrived and arrested.
The 23-year-old male from Beardy's First Nation, Saskatchewan is charged with committing mischief by willfully damaging property and breach of an undertaking (Information #991053029).
The male will make his first appearance in Prince Albert Provincial Court today.