Shop With A Cop 2017

Shop With A Cop 2017

Shop With A Cop 2017

A group of 25 youth in Prince Albert had Christmas come a bit early this year thanks to the 7th annual Shop With a Cop held Thursday.

The Prince Albert Police Service runs the event every year with the help of community schools and organizations. Students from five local schools ranging from Grades 1 to 6 were selected by their schools to partner with a police officer to spend the day holiday shopping and ending the day with a lunch. Each student was given $100 to do holiday shopping for their families.

"Shop With a Cop is a great chance for some of our members to get out and interact with youth in our community. Every chance we have to have a positive influence in a child's life will hopefully leave a positive impact on them, their family and their community," said Community Relations officer and event organizer Sergeant Travis Willie.

The event takes many hours to organize every year but Willie said it makes it all worthwhile to see the joy and happiness it brings to the faces of the children. "I can't even begin to describe that look on the kid's face when they are shopping and able to buy a few things for themselves and their family. I would like to take a moment to thank our community partners that make this event possible," said Sergeant Willie.

Community partners for Shop With A Cop this year were: Prince Albert Crime Stoppers, Prince Albert Canadian Tire, Prince Albert Northern Bus Lines, Prince Albert High Noon Optimist Club and Prince Albert McDonalds.

Because of our community partners generous involvement, the youth within our community are given a special experience, they would not normally be given, said Sergeant Willie.

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