Media Release - Police Promote Traffic Safety with Annual S.T.E.P Blitz

Media Release - Police Promote Traffic Safety with Annual S.T.E.P Blitz

Media Release – Police Promote Traffic Safety with Annual S.T.E.P Blitz

Traffic safety and driver awareness was the goal for officers participating in a recent Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (S.T.E.P.) initiative hosted by the Prince Albert Police Service last month.

Officers from various police agencies across the province participated in the annual S.T.E.P. blitz August 22 and 23, checking both private and commercial vehicles to ensure compliance with traffic safety regulations.

More than 135 drivers were ticketed for speeding during the two-day enforcement period, while 70 drivers and passengers were cited for not wearing seatbelts.

Police handed out 28 fines for distracted driving offences and issued numerous tickets or warnings under the Traffic Safety Act related to vehicle equipment regulations.

The two-day event also resulted in the seizure of three vehicles for various violations, and two people arrested on outstanding Criminal Code warrants. Overall, a combination of more than 500 tickets and warnings were issued as part of the S.T.E.P. initiative in Prince Albert last month.

Child safety is a priority during the event, and experts with the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute were on hand to check that car seats were properly installed. Officials checked 117 car seats as part of the S.T.E.P. blitz and gave away 14 free car seats to families in need of new or updated child seats.

The S.T.E.P. initiative is a partnership between several Saskatchewan law enforcement agencies and Saskatchewan Government Insurance Agency (SGI). The project is aimed at awareness, improving road safety and reducing injuries and fatalities on Saskatchewan roads.

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