PAPS in our Community: CSOs Supporting Patrol and Our Community

PAPS in our Community: CSOs Supporting Patrol and Our Community

PAPS in our Community: CSOs Supporting Patrol and Our Community

As our police service manages an increasing number of calls for service and continues to receive help from our public safety partners, Community Safety Officers are also providing support to members on Patrol while responding to concerns from residents and business owners involving property crime, vandalism, and theft.

There are two Community Safety Officers (CSO) working with our police service. CSOs are sworn officers and are governed by The Police Act 1990. CSOs respond to a variety of calls each day, including minor vehicle accidents, mischief, shoplifting, and theft, and provide additional support and visible patrols throughout our community to deter crime.

In addition, CSOs respond to complaints involving lost property, traffic concerns, and trespassing, regularly conduct proactive patrols in neighbourhoods across our community, and promote safety in school zones and high-traffic areas.

In May, our two CSOs responded to more than 80 calls for service, including reports involving theft under $5,000, wilful damage, vehicle collisions, and lost property. In addition, CSOs also conducted more than 40 proactive patrols across our community in May, and issued 13 tickets under the Traffic Safety Act (TSA).

CSOs are also trained in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and work with businesses and organizations to evaluate areas where improvements can be made to prevent theft or vandalism. These studies help identify ways to deter crime by making improvements to the physical design and layout of a location, and include recommendations on strategies that can be implemented to protect against theft.

Community Safety Officers play a valuable role in deterring crime in our community, and are part of several proactive units working with the Prince Albert Police Service to promote public safety and visible policing.

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