Q & A Interview - Cst. Elvin Benitez
- Give me some background information on yourselves. Age, where you grew up, education/work history, are you married, any kids, how you ended up in Prince Albert etc.
I'm 27-years-old originally from Honduras, Central America. I was living for awhile in Ontario and then I moved to Prince Albert to work in the federal penitentiary and then I applied for policing and now here I am. I am engaged to be married in two weeks.
- How was Saskatchewan Police College? Tell me about your experiences. What was the hardest part, the most fun, any big surprises, et cetera.
They overload you with allot of work. Time management was one of the hardest things to do. The most fun part is the realistic scenarios that prepare us and expose us to real life stress.
- How big were your classes, and how long was the program?
16 people - 20-week course.
- What made you want to be a police officer?
It was life-long career goal. To make a difference in somebody's life, even if its small, it's a great overall career and it's challenging which is great for my personal goals.
- Is there something about working in Prince Albert that appeals to you, in particular?
It's a growing city, which is exciting for someone starting their life out, it is a busy city, it's good for me as well I have to learn quick and there is a great group of people here. I want to be a part of that family.
6.Career Goals? Works of advice for future police recruits?
I would like to be a crisis negotiator somebody, maybe eventually the tactical unit.
The best advice I was given at police college was to bear down and prepare to work hard unless if you are 1000 percent focused you won't be successful at it.