Weekend Update - October 1, 2018

Weekend Update - October 1, 2018

Weekend Update – October 1, 2018

Patrol officers had a busy weekend responding to 266 calls for service between Friday night and Monday morning. Officers made 67 arrests. The top two calls for service were intoxicated persons (58) and disturbances (19).

File #2018-32339 - Assault

On September 30, 2018, at 11:20 a.m., Patrol responded to a break-and-enter complaint on the 2900 Block of 4 Avenue East. When police arrived, they found two females in a physical altercation.

The first female had a dispute with the second female and unlawfully entered the female’s house and began assaulting her. Police officers arrested the suspect female.

The 47-year-old female from Prince Albert is charged with assault (Information # 991066924) and will answer to charges in Prince Albert Provincial Court today.

File #2018-32140 – Male suspect wanted in Motor Vehicle Break-and-Enter

On September 28, 2018, at approximately 4:12 p.m. the Prince Albert Police Service attended to a call on the 100 Block 12 Street East for a break-and-enter of a vehicle. A suspect broke into a parked vehicle by smashing a vehicle window and stealing a purse from within.

Police have viewed surveillance footage of the incident and identified the 26-year-old male from Prince Albert, Ivan Ballantyne as a suspect who is now wanted by police for theft under $5,000 and willful damage under $5,000.

Any person with information about the suspect is asked to contact the Prince Albert Police Service at 306-953-4222 or Prince Albert Crime Stoppers.

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