Prince Albert Police Service along with SGI and Prince Albert Mothers Against Drinking and Driving (MADD) spent the week at two high schools giving out positive tickets and SGI merchandise to bring awareness and encourage safe driving choices for teen drivers.
On Wednesday, patrol officers along with MADD attended St. Mary's High School, mingling with students and promoting safe driving.
On Thursday, PAPS members and MADD attended Carlton High School promoting driver safety.
"This is the second year in a row we've participated in Teen Driver Safety Week, " said event organizer PAPS Community Relations Sgt. Travis Willie. "It's great to see our members out there interacting with youth and if we can have even one teen think twice about getting behind the wheel impaired or texting while driving and prevent a serious accident, then it makes everything we are doing worthwhile."
Organized nation-wide by Parachute Canada, a national injury prevention organization and SGI, the week focuses on increasing teen driver safety awareness while promoting safe driving choices and habits.
The focus of this year's week was to encourage teens to drive sober by not consuming drugs or alcohol and getting behind the wheel. Teens were also discouraged from distracted driving habits such as texting and driving, speeding, and encouraged to wear seatbelts.
Communications Strategist Alanna Adamko & Sgt. Travis Willie