- How long you have been at the Police Service. What Unit do you work for and your job title?
My name is Josie Hemsworth and I work in the Civilian Section. My title is Office Manager. This is my 28th year of service. I am the first civilian to work in this role which was traditionally filled by sergeants (primarily male). I am also the first civilian the serve on the Executive team.
- Can you provide a general description of your week-to-week duties?
Main functions are supervising the day to day functions and operations of the Civilian section.
There are eight full-time positions in the Communications (Dispatch) section and 11 in Police Records Management section. In total there are over 20 staff and they are all women.
- What training/education did you take for the job?
I've worked in every section in the civilian section. And I've taken HR courses and management courses. Started out in the Communications centre.
- Why did you decide to join the police service?
A friend was working for the Police Service and they encouraged me.
- What's the most enjoyable/rewarding part of your career?
Definitely working with great people, working with the civilian staff... I'm proud to say I work with the Police Service. It's a fast paced, forward-thinking organization.
- Any advice for women who may encounter sexism or workplace challenges and obstacles?
Be confident in who you are, know your support systems and understand your rights in the organization's policies.
- Who were your heroes or role models growing up?
My mother, she was a great role model. She stayed home and raised all of us and then went back to school and got a career working in the Social Services system.
- What are some things you wish you could tell the younger version of yourself?
I can do anything and don't set any limits.
- Do you have any message you would like to say for young girls out there?
Work hard and find a career you are passionate about and take care of yourself mentally and physically to prepare yourself for your career.
- Anything else you would like to add?
It's been a rewarding/fulfilling career, as I enter near the end of the career looking back.... I would recommend it to anyone.