October 24, 2017
449 drivers failed to make the grade during last month’s focus on school zone safety
Police across the province schooled drivers on the rules of the road during last month’s focus on school zone safety. Law enforcement were on the lookout for drivers committing traffic violations in and around school zones, and issued a total of 449 tickets, including:
- 439 tickets for drivers speeding in school zones (tickets issued by police officers; numbers don’t include photo speed enforcement tickets)
- 7 tickets for drivers failing to yield to pedestrians in an intersection or crosswalk
- 1 ticket to a pedestrian walking into the path of a vehicle
- 2 tickets for drivers not obeying school bus safety lights
Remember to always obey the posted speed limit in school zones, which can vary by municipality. The consequences for speeding in a school zone are serious – fines start at $140, and increase for every km/h over the limit. That’s definitely not something you want to learn in the school of hard knocks.
Outside of school zones, police also reported the following offences as part of the monthly Traffic Safety Spotlight:
- 277 impaired-driving related offences (including 268 Criminal Code charges)
- 549 tickets for distracted driving (417 of those for using a cellphone while driving)
- 392 tickets for inappropriate or no seatbelt/child safety seat
- 4,445 speeding tickets
SGI reminds motorists that it is important to be extra alert in school zones all year round, particularly as winter approaches and it becomes difficult to stop quickly on icy roads.
Learn more about school zone safety at Follow SGI on Facebook or Twitter for tips to #TakeCareOutThere this fall.
#DoNotRiskIt - Throughout November, police will be on the lookout for suspended drivers and unregistered vehicles.
Media looking for local results for September’s traffic safety spotlight are encouraged to contact their local law enforcement agency.
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Tyler McMurchy
Manager, Media Relations
Saskatchewan Government Insurance
306-535-6207 (cell)