Daily Archives: June 3, 2019

Weekend Update-June 3, 2019

Weekend Update-June 3, 2019

Prince Albert Police officers responded to 360 calls for service from Friday night to Monday morning. Police made 56 arrests, 37 for intoxication. File 2019-16718- Break & Enter, Hit & Run Officers responded to an incident at the corner of 28th Street and Second Avenue West late Sunday evening. A front-end loader had smashed into a retaining wall in front of a business, causing extensive damage to the wall, the railing, and the loader. Police traced the loader to a business in the 3800 Block ...

SACP Thanks MMIWG National Inquiry

SACP Thanks MMIWG National Inquiry

                      The Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police (SACP) wishes to thank all those involved in the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, as the final report of the National Inquiry, Reclaiming Power and Place, is released today. We acknowledge and thank Chief Commissioner Buller and Commissioners Eyolfson, Audette and Robinson, for their considerable skills and dedication to this complex and comprehensive National Inquiry. We al ...
