Daily Archives: April 11, 2018

Break and Enter - Theft of Vehicle

Break and Enter – Theft of Vehicle

File #: 2018-9906 On April 10, 2018 at approximately 5:20 a.m. the Prince Albert Police Service responded to a theft that occurred on 1500 Block Helme Crescent. A male suspect had taken a car from the driveway of the residence and the occupants of the household were awaken and followed the car until police arrived and arrested the vehicle on 6th Avenue East. The suspect had entered the house when the occupants were sleeping and taken the vehicle keys as well as a Ipad and then fled in the stolen ...

National Telecommunicators Week

National Telecommunicators Week

“This week is our National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, a week set aside specifically to formally recognize the hard work and dedication of our nation’s Public Safety Telecommunicators.” --- Prince Albert Police Service Office Manager Josie Hemsworth Prince Albert Police service would like to take the time to recognition our dedicated Communication Operators. "Communication Operator can be one of the most challenging and the most rewarding job in our police service," said Prince Albert Poli ...
